Your home is usually your greatest investment. There are some areas that need to be updated approximately every 10 years. This can help protect your investment by keeping your home current and in good condition. Do not give in to fads and fashion, select the areas potentially homeowners would make a decision on.
If you have lived in your home for 10+ years, begin to update it now, so that you can enjoy the new look and protect your investment by keeping your home fresh and current.
1. Kitchen
Walls - home buyers and home owners have been favoring an open floor plan for over 20
years. If you have a closed in kitchen, taking down 1 or more walls will let light in and improve
the flow of your home. Cost to take down walls varies from $500 to $4000.
King’s Chapel Parade of Homes, Arrington, TN |
Can't take down walls. Make a "splash" with backsplash. If you go neutral with the backsplash, use paint to brighten up the room. Color is very current and you can use in small areas to create interest without using all over the kitchen. Accent color works with using paint, vases, art, knobs or lighting.
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Paint the cabinets a color when you cannot replace them, painted cabinets for an average sized kitchen about 14 x 14 ft should cost approximately $1800 to $3900. New cabinets cost much more averaging $14,000 to $35,000.

For more color-savvy designs by Hannah Dee, visit her website